Mere Mortals Book Reviews

Host: Kyrin Down & Juan Granados

About the Podcast

Reviewing the books to transcend beyond mere mortality. Emphasis is on the learnings and pragmatic takeaways that can be applied to your everyday life. 2 to 3 uploads every week!

About the Host

Kyrin Down & Juan Granados

Kyrin is your typical bloke who was following the standard path in life. This took him into the coal fields as a mining engineer, working a job that didn't inspire him. He eventually decided to take the plunge to quit his work and chase his passions. This ended up taking him through the intense deserts of Mexico, wild jungles of Colombia and blinding lights of Japan. Nowadays he is one half of the Mere Mortals podcast. Those same passions now make him strive for excellence in all of his varied pursuits. Calisthenics, learning languages, reading, meditation, deep breathing, lucid dreaming, philosophy, flexibility training, the list goes on. Name an interest or activity and he has probably attempted it. Engineer turned consultant, Juan is the other half of the Mere Mortals team. As a passionate individual wanting to make a difference in society through the application of technology and strategic vision, he converses, reviews and discusses topics of interest on the podcast. Juan is an avid fitness & health advocate, so when not found working tirelessly on Mere Mortals content you will find him out and about getting a sweat on.

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